
Saturday, August 20, 2011

DA’WAH as FORMATION of Character and Morals

Islam is a universal religion, Islam has had the principles or teachings that organizes all aspects of life, all of which when implemented will create a good social order, creating a safe society, peaceful and prosperous. Society is a collection of various individuals who have a lot of diversity in various things. To create a good society is required to good individuals also, to create good individuals also is required religion proselytizing as formation of character and morals (akhlakul karimah), which must be owned by everyone.

Formation of Character and morals
Da’wah according to Islam is to invite people with wise way to the right path according to the commandment of God, for their benefit and happiness in the world and hereafter. In the Qur’an mentioned
أدع إلى سبيل ربّك بالحكمة و الموعظة الحسنة و جادلهم بالتي هي أحسن
“Invite (all) to the way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious” (An-Nahl: 125)

The above verse ordered us to invite people to the path of Allah, with lessons or by way of a good and wise and discussion with a good way too, because we want to invite the people to goodness it should invite also with a good way not in a way bad.
Islam has put a good social order in society, family, or in public life. In the formation of character and morals there are several factors, such as family. The family is the first facility in the formation of character and morals, because every individual living in the family.
Allah has ordained the family in its spacious. Muslim families do not experience the generation gap because of living together. Family benefits that it provides to its members a friend who is ready chosen each time. There is always someone ready to play, joke, discuss, reflect, cry, etc. This is a pre-requisite for mental health. The family never deserted from the children, adults, women, man, and parents are wiser and more experienced than other family members.
Families are impossing on each of its members discipline and selflessness. Sometimes reducing their privacy. Obviously, it is good for us to be disciplined and voluntarily sacrifice for other. And the best is if we learn discipline at home, guided by people who love us and we love.
In social life of muslim everyday there is a task in a society that must exert namely “ to provide advice to a fellow brother”.
Give each other advice is a fundamental obligation in the teachings “amar ma’ruf nahi munkar”, so that people living in an atmosphere of good, safe and peaceful, so as to create a major social order (khaira ummah)
“Amar ma’ruf nahi munkar” is a humanitarian obligation that must be executed and exert so willingly in the framework Mardhotillah, according to the frame “Tawasha bil haqqi and and tawasha bis shabri”, ie intestate with the truth (Al-haq min rabbika) and fortitude (shabar).
This task does not know hurt. Advice should be framed compassion, and contains the true love one another alive.
Advice to the kindness and advice to leave the banned it, because both want to go to heaven. Both want to avoid hell. And both want to be free from the temptations of the devil.
The goal is the life of human dignity. Social relations are grounded with mahabbah and affection.
In the personal terms have the ethics of Islam is good for everyone from the start waking up to sleep again. For example ethics wake
Waking up is one form of power of God, a state rise after death, waking up is the beginning of life after void, like opening a new clean white sheets. In the Qur’an says
و هو الذي يتوفاكم بالليل و يعلم ما جرحتم بالنهار ثمّ يبعثكم فيه ليقضى أجل مسمّى ثمّ إليه مرجعكم ثمّ ينبّئكم بما كنتم تعملون
“And He it is who you sleep at night, and He knows what you do during the day. He then goes to wake you up at noon for an enhaced the life you have been assigned. Then place you back on him, and He will tell you what you did.”(Al an’am: 60)
How to wake in Islam
o Trying to wake up before dawn because it has psychological and health benefits
o Should be crossed dzikir and pray to Allah in the hearts or minds
o Immediately clean up ablution and prayer
o Do not get back to sleep after waking up
o No stalling for time to pray
o It should be quiet when wake up not to disturb others.
Muslims is the best people, who were born to invite people to virtue and preventing it from being bad.
كنتم خير أمة أخرجت للناس تأمرون بالمعروف و تنهون عن المنكر و تؤمنون بالله
“You (muslims) are the best people are born to humans, (for you) tell (do) are doing good and avoiding the evil, and faith in Allah.”(Ali Imron: 110)
Islam has put the rules in all things to the smallest things. By running all the rules that will create good individuals, which in turn creates a good society as well. Therefore we should invite all people to Islamic way street full of goodness, Allah blessed path, which will bring us to the salvation and happiness in the world and the hereafter.

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